
Tinker Bits II: Mad Science Metal Meeples

Created by Tesh of Project Khopesh

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Proto Photos and Moving Into Production
about 7 years ago – Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 01:20:48 AM

Hello everyone!

Apologies if these updates are too frequent, but for what it's worth, this should be the last one for a while.

Tomorrow I'll close the BackerKit system so we can get moving on the order with final numbers.  This means your credit cards will be charged if you've added items over there, and I'll spend the rest of the week parsing numbers and making sure I'm not missing something.

We are looking forward to getting the production going!

I'll also be ordering a prototype for the Tinker Airship, though I'm still finalizing the design for that one.

Oh, and while we're talking prototypes, I just received photos from the factory for the Sky Pirate and the Dragon.  We'll show off some of our own photos once these little folk are in our lab.  (For the record, the dragons are almost twice the height of the Sky Pirates, which doesn't show in isolation like this in the shots they gave us.)

Thank you again, everyone!  We'll let you know when we have a production deadline, and will probably show off the Tinker Airship once we get the design nailed down with the factory.


April 26th, BackerKit Lockdown
about 7 years ago – Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:19:16 AM

Hello everyone!

Thank you again for answering your surveys, we have just about all the information we need to place the production order.  We should be getting the funding this weekend or early next week, and we'd like to get things rolling as soon as we can.

To that end, we'll be locking the BackerKit system down on April 26th, next Wednesday.  Tangentially, there is still time to get involved if you didn't back the project, then, or if you know someone else who might be interested; you (or they) can just jump right into the BackerKit system and "shop" from the project!

If you're still interested in Add Ons and didn't bake that into your pledge here, thank you!  Please head over to BackerKit and go through their system, and if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them.  If you're not interested in Add Ons, thank you for backing the project!  If we have your Kickstarter survey information, you're ready to go!

Thank you all!


Oh, and I'll be spending this weekend on an airship meeple design.  It won't be the standard sort of gasbag-sloop, it's going to be a Tinker contraption with way too much thought put into the science and fiction of the thing, but if we can get the design to the factory soon, we can get prototypes with the production run, if we're lucky.  I won't delay the production run just for that, though, which is why I'm getting the design done ASAP.

BackerKit Bumble, My Mistake, No Worries
about 7 years ago – Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 12:57:43 AM

Hello everyone!

Thank you all for your help in getting the surveys filled out, it is very helpful in getting the order placed sooner rather than later.

We did run into one mistake that I made on the BackerKit setup, but it won't affect what you actually wind up getting.  There are a couple of places where you might be asked to specify a group of "Top Hat" meeples or "Dame" meeples, which are the designs from the first Tinker Bits project.  If you're looking for a set of those, there's no problem, but if you're looking for a set of these Mad Science meeples and the system asks you for the Top Hat or Dame designs, please just answer "Top Hat" for the Mad Scientist (males) and "Dame" for the Tinkerer (females).

This is a mistake that I made in the setup, but it will not cause us to make mistakes in what we send to you.  You will get the Mad Science meeples, it's just a labeling issue in BackerKit.

I am sorry for the confusion!  Please know that we will send you the right meeples, though, and if you have any questions about particulars, please send me a private message and I'm always happy to answer questions.  (It's easier to keep track of private messages than comments here or on the main campaign.)

Thank you all!


BackerKit and Add On Items
about 7 years ago – Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 02:17:21 PM

Hello everyone!

By now you should see the BackerKit survey in your email.  Just to clarify, if you do not want any Add On items, you can ignore BackerKit entirely.  If you already told us what you want for your Add Ons in the Kickstarter survey, you can also ignore BackerKit.

It's pretty much just a way for you to pick up Add Ons in a cleaner, more intuitive way than making up a list for a text field on the Kickstarter survey.

With luck, we'll get a good bead on what we're ordering sooner rather than later, and be ready to place the order as soon as the funding clears from Kickstarter's system.

Edited to add:  My apologies, yes, the BackerKit system is asking for the Dame/Top Hat in one of the questions incorrectly, and that's my mistake. I'm going to try to fix it today, but if it doesn't decide to behave, please just consider the Top Hat to be the Mad Scientist and the Dame to be the Tinkerer. You'll get the Mad Science (most recent) meeples, I just goofed on the question.

Thank you!


Surveys En Route, and Pondering the Skies
about 7 years ago – Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 09:23:53 PM

Hello everyone!

You should see emails from Kickstarter about this project in the next hour or so.  They will be the surveys where we gather information we need to send you your goodies.  Kickstarter has allowed us to make some questions optional, so feel free to ignore those.

The BackerKit surveys will come in a few days, and we'll get rolling on collecting that data to sort out our production.  We should get the funding next weekend or thereabouts, after which we would like to place the production order.  As such, please get your surveys answered as soon as you can, and we'll get the numbers together and get things started at the factory.

In the meantime, we're thinking about making a Tinker Airship meeple in the future.  There are a number of ways to go with that, from the simple "hang a sloop under a gasbag" to more esoteric solutions that might involve something more magical than pure steampunk design.  I'm still sorting out what approach might fit best into the Tinker world, but it's pretty easy to make just about anything work.

If you're interested in seeing a Tinker Airship meeple to go with the the Sky Pirate, Rocketeer and Dragon, please chime in!  There's no guarantee that we'll do anything under discussion, of course, but it's good to keep a conversation moving.  I'll see about making some sketches when I get a minute or ten.

Thank you all again!
